Our interior design process is designed to meet and exceed your expectations. From our first meeting to installation – we are here to listen, to guide and to ensure the entire design process is expertly completed. 

Christine Vroom Process-Consultation


This first phase is about getting to know you, your lifestyle, your space and/or architectural plans. This is when we do research on goals, ideas, inspiration and concepts are communicated. This is where we pick your brain to find out your hopes and dreams as far as style as well.

We also discuss important details Including projected budget and timeframe as well as prepare a conceptual design board for you to ensure we nailed all of the above.


From the meetings, we begin to develop sketches, room boards, conceptual design materials, scaled elevations and/or renderings with the projected conceptual design for your review.

This stage allows you to visualize how your space comes to life and hopefully gets you excited about what is to come. We present for your approval, gather feedback, make changes or revisions and work deeper into the next phase.

Christine Vroom Concept DEsign
Christine Vroom Process-Design Development


Client approval of the design concept takes the process to the next stage with further refinement of the design and consideration of every detail.

We provide you with detailed selections of all materials, fixtures, furniture and anything else needed to design for you based on individual project sourcing as well as samples of
the proposed materials and finishes. 

We finalize selections of all kinds, solidify design drawings include elevations, finish and furniture plans, and sketches for specifics and put together a full design package for you. This is where we also give you a snapshot of the projected design material costs to help get your builder bids accurate.

On final client approval the work is ready to begin.


At this stage we are ready for construction to begin. This means we start our construction administration phase and begin our orders such as tile, slabs, plumbing, appliances, lighting, etc, and put together detailed proposals for approval and purchase.

This phase is also where we start our full furnishing design with you. There are a lot of moving parts in the construction phase and adaptations to the design will likely be needed to work with existing conditions in the built environment. Trusting your designer to make educated decisions on your behalf is key and we will make you aware of things when necessary.

We are very hands on and are there from beginning to end including job site visits to determine installation is consistent with the approved designs and check-ins to get our design eyes on your project. 

We work hand-in-hand with contractors, subcontractors and trades of all kind to ensure the design comes to life as intended and we love every moment of it.

Christine Vroom Process-Procurement
Christine Vroom putting the finishing touches on an install


The installation is the final event in the design process. At this point, we have already worked through the furnishing design phase so we are pulling final details together. 

We stay in the know on timelines, check on vendors to ensure timely performance and finally set up Installations from the receivers, and final placement of items and furnishings.

And just like that, we wrap a lengthy and beautiful process up with a bow!

Christine Vroom Process-Consultation


This first phase is about getting to know you, your lifestyle, your space and/or architectural plans. This is when we do research on goals, ideas, inspiration and concepts are communicated. This is where we pick your brain to find out your hopes and dreams as far as style as well.

We also discuss important details Including projected budget and timeframe as well as prepare a conceptual design board for you to ensure we nailed all of the above.


From the meetings, we begin to develop sketches, room boards, conceptual design materials, scaled elevations and/or renderings with the projected conceptual design for your review.

This stage allows you to visualize how your space comes to life and hopefully gets you excited about what is to come. We present for your approval, gather feedback, make changes or revisions and work deeper into the next phase.

Christine Vroom Concept DEsign
Christine Vroom Process-Design Development


Client approval of the design concept takes the process to the next stage with further refinement of the design and consideration of every detail.

We provide you with detailed selections of all materials, fixtures, furniture and anything else needed to design for you based on individual project sourcing as well as samples of the proposed materials and finishes. 

We finalize selections of all kinds, solidify design drawings include elevations, finish and furniture plans, and sketches for specifics and put together a full design package for you. This is where we also give you a snapshot of the projected design material costs to help get your builder bids accurate.

On final client approval the work is ready to begin.


At this stage we are ready for  construction to begin. This means we start our construction administration phase and begin our orders such as tile, slabs, plumbing, appliances, lighting, etc, and put together detailed proposals for approval and purchase.

This phase is also where we start our full furnishing design with you. There are a lot of moving parts in the construction phase and adaptations to the design will likely be needed to work with existing conditions in the built environment. Trusting your designer to make educated decisions on your behalf is key and we will make you aware of things when necessary.

We are very hands on and are there from beginning to end including job site visits to determine installation is consistent with the approved designs and check-ins to get our design eyes on your project. 

We work hand-in-hand with contractors, subcontractors and trades of all kind to ensure the design comes to life as intended and we love every moment of it.

Christine Vroom Process-Procurement
Christine Vroom putting the finishing touches on an install


The installation is the final event in the design process. At this point, we have already worked through the furnishing design phase so we are pulling final details together. We stay in the know on timelines, check on vendors to ensure timely performance and finally set up Installations from the receivers, and final placement of items and furnishings.

And just like that, we wrap a lengthy and beautiful process up with a bow!